

Basket ball is a famous team sport. Two teams of 5 players each play against each other to score by shooting the ball through a hoop elevated 10 feet above to ground. The game is played in a rectangular court and there are two hoops at each end. The court is divided into two main sections by the mid-court line. It is a very popular sport worldwide, played with a round and usually orange ball that bounces. Basketball players mainly use skills such as dribbling, shooting, running, and jumping. The game is played between men’s team and women’s team. It is often said that one tends to grow taller and stronger by playing basketball but this sport has other benefits too. It is a great sport for your heart health. Because you keep moving your heart rate increases and which helps build endurance. It helps burn more calories because of lateral movements, running and jumping. This sport also helps improve and build bone strength by formation of new bone tissues. It also helps reduce stress which in turn gives more focus and energy to complete a task. Helps develops better coordination and motor skills. It is always suggested to warm up and stretch you joints and muscles before you begin the sport. It is also important to keep your body hydrated at regular intervals.